New Student Loan Repayment Trend Requires Better Tax Planning for 2024 Tax Filing
As student loan borrowers face a new year, many are in a new environment. This change is due to a significant shift in repayment trends.
Providing Student Loan and Repayment Answers
LoginAs student loan borrowers face a new year, many are in a new environment. This change is due to a significant shift in repayment trends.
The multiple repayment extensions and the SAVE lawsuit have extended the IDR income recertification process again. The exact date when income recertification will restart is
As we approach the beginning of tax season, many student loan borrowers need to be made aware of the impact of their tax filing decisions
More married and engaged couples face a growing problem: student loan repayment. The National Loan Forbearance and On-Ramp programs helped borrowers avoid monthly payments since
As the tax season ramps up, tax preparers have a new opportunity to increase revenue by providing a service that can help millions of people.
This time of the year is busy. However, for families of college-bound students, it can be more stressful. A typical conversation during holiday gatherings concerns
We are approaching the end of 2024, and it is a time when many people set goals for the New Year. It is a busy
On Wednesday, 12/18, the Department of Education (DOE) announced the ability to enroll in two previously closed IDR methods: Pay As You Earn (PAYE) and
As student loan borrowers face a new year, many are in a new environment. This change is due to a significant shift in repayment trends.
The multiple repayment extensions and the SAVE lawsuit have extended the IDR income recertification process again. The exact date when income recertification will restart is
As we approach the beginning of tax season, many student loan borrowers need to be made aware of the impact of their tax filing decisions
More married and engaged couples face a growing problem: student loan repayment. The National Loan Forbearance and On-Ramp programs helped borrowers avoid monthly payments since
As the tax season ramps up, tax preparers have a new opportunity to increase revenue by providing a service that can help millions of people.
This time of the year is busy. However, for families of college-bound students, it can be more stressful. A typical conversation during holiday gatherings concerns
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